1. What is ovulation?
Ovulation is the process of cracking a dominant follicle from which a mature egg is released. Ovulation is a short period of time (up to 12 hours) during which the released egg can be fertilized. It is important to note that ovulation does not occur with every period. On average, every 13 periods there is 1 cycle during which there is no ovulation (the so-called anovulatory period).
2. What is a menstrual cycle?
The menstrual cycle is the period from the first day of menstrual bleeding to the day before the start of the next. Most often, the cycle is 28 days.
3. What is a "luteinizing hormone peak"?
A “Luteinizing hormone peak” is the period when the body produces the largest amounts of this hormone. Detecting luteinizing hormone, Oview registers a positive result, which is a sign that within the next 24 to 48 hours ovulation will occur.
4. Can the Oview ovulation test report the wrong result?
The wrong result can be reported:
• when taking medicines containing luteinizing hormone (LH) or human chorionic gonadotropin hormone (hCG);
• when taking drugs that slow down the cycle, since the period of ovulation also changes;
• when you have recently been pregnant, are currently pregnant or are in menopause.5. I strictly followed the instructions, but all the results of the ovulation test were negative. What do I do?
Not all women ovulate in the middle of their cycle. Make a test with a new package, as probably ovulation has not yet occurred.
6. I have been trying to get pregnant for several months now, but I fail. What do I do?
It is normal for several months to fail to get pregnant. The reasons for this can be varied. Consult your doctor. To increase the chances of conception, try to get pregnant one day before ovulation, during ovulation and one day after ovulation.
1. How many days after intercourse can I take the test?
The first cartridge of the Presto pregnancy test should be used 7 days after sexual intercourse. If clear colored lines appear in zones (C) and (T), you are likely to be pregnant. If only one colored line appears in the control area (C), it is likely that you are not pregnant. In both cases, you need to repeat the test using the second cartridge, on the first day of the cycle delay, to confirm the result. This is necessary because the concentration of the HCG hormone increases at a different rate in the body of different women.
2. What should I do if I think the result is not true?
If the result is invalid or the test line in zone (T) is too faint, take a new test after 48 hours.
3. Are there any factors that can affect the result?
• Taking certain medications that contain hCG hormone may affect the outcome.
• If you take a Surecheck® test within 8 weeks of childbirth or abortion, a false positive result is possible due to a residual high concentration of the hormone hCG. Ask your doctor to read the results.
• The intake of large amounts of fluid can reduce the concentration of the hormone hCG in the urine and thus affect the test.
• Birth control pills, antibiotics, analgesics (painkillers) and alcohol do not affect the test results.