What is an early pregnancy test?
Unlike tests that detect pregnancy on the first day of the delay of the period, those for early detection of pregnancy are hypersensitive and can detect even a very small amount of the so-called hormone of pregnancy.
Thanks to its hypersensitivity, Presto can report pregnancy even on the 7th day after sex and thus relieves the tension of having to wait another week or more.
Presto – an early pregnancy test.
- There are 2 cassetes in the package.
- The first cassette is used 7 days after sexual intercourse – when the fertilized egg is supposed to have been implanted and HCG levels have begun to rise..
- The second cassette is used on the first day after the cycle delay.
It is important that the result of the second cassette confirms that of the first test, because of variations of the exact day of implantation are possible and the intake of certain drugs could make affections, to reject the option of chemical pregnancy, etc.
First tape
7 days after
Second cassette
First day of
the delay
You are not
you are
How to use?
Step 1
Open the protective foil pack immediately before use. Remove the test and pipette from the package.
Step 2
Urinate in a clean cup, take the pipette urine and put 3-4 drops in the small window.
Step 3
The score will appear by the 3rd minute.
Reading test results
Only one line in the control area indicates a negative result – you are not pregnant.
Remember that a negative result (NOT pregnant) can also be reported when the test is done too early or when there is not enough of the hormone HCG in the urine.
Do another test in a few days to confirm the result.
If two features are visible, even if the test line is pale, you’re probably pregnant.
*Make the second test on the first day of your period delay to confirm the result of the first.